Monday, April 19, 2010

Defensive Driving Classes--Bemidji Community Education

MN law requires your insurance agent to give you 10% discount on your
vehicle insurance if you are 55 or older and complete this course. Taught
by licensed instructor, Dave Free, the class is interesting, informative
and very worthwhile. Classes are held in Bemidji at Paul Bunyan Center
with plenty of parking close by and a classroom that is completely
accessible and close to parking area. Refreshments are provided.
Discount is given for all your vehicles, including most recreational
vehicles. This program is run by Bemidji Public Schools and is certified
by the MN Dept. of Public Safety.

Class schedule:
Refresher class: For those who have had the class before
Tuesday, April 20 at 5:30 PM
Wednesday, May 17 at 5:30 PM
Tuesday, June 22 at 5:30 PM
Thursday, July 29 at 1:00 PM **note this is an afternoon class
Monday, September 20 at 5:30 PM

Initial class: For those taking the course for the first time
Monday & Wednesday, May 17 & 19 at 5:30 PM
Tuesday & Thursday, August 24 & 26 at 5:30 PM

To register or for more information contact Bemidji Community Education at
333-3100 x 301 or go online to [