Monday, August 31, 2009

DNR NEWS -- Sweet Adelines perform Sept. 6, Red River SRA


AUGUST 31, 2009
Media contacts: Colleen Coyne, DNR communications director,
651-259-5023; Patricia Arndt, Minnesota State Parks planning and public
affairs manager, 651-259-5578.

Sweet Adelines to perform Sept. 6 at Red River State Recreation Area

Red River State Recreation Area in East Grand Forks, Minn., has live
entertainment lined up for Labor Day weekend.

Bring a lawn chair, a picnic, and your whole family to enjoy "An
Evening at the Park," featuring a performance of a capella music by
the Sweet Adelines, a group of women barbershop singers who love
entertaining. The performance will take place in the group camp area at
6:30 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 6.

A vehicle permit will be required for those who enter the park by car,
but the event itself is free. For more information, call the park at